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Lemurian Plug is a member of

Lemurian Plug Media

 Informative audio and videos and publications

a 2d abstract illustration of a person meditating with energy coming out


When you receive The Lemurian Plug

Tips for Pain Relief

Open Your Mind Radio interview 2018

Extend life of fresh produce 

Reinhard Stanjek from Ascension Tools talks about the healing technology of

The Lemurian Plug

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

~ Tesla

Wavy Surface


Portrait of Inventor and Founder of the Lemurian Plug, Geoffrey Radford
Surface of a moon looking out to a large blue planet

Founder Geoffrey Radford
Original Interview (Audio)
Click on the below "The Real Truth Call"

to listen to the call

Purple and grey Body Wave logo with line sketches of a fit man and woman

Conference call with Catherine Golden from BodyWave International and Ron The Inventor 3/21/2020

Forward to Interview, starts at 9:25 min.

Transparent Wave


Photo of Rienhard Stanjek, the creator of Ascension Tools

Reinhard Stanjek from Richmond Canada talks highly about the energies from The Lemurian Plug. He is the creator of Ascension Tools and specializes in Orgonite. He has created several videos featuring The Lemurian Plug on his You Tube channel. 

EMF Protection

Read our story published in MysticMag  by Luca Dragovic. Click the photo to read about how Jim and Janet became proprietors of The Lemurian Plug.

2D illustration of a male and female Dr testing frequencies using a laptop

Dr. Sam Mugzzi has been working towards her goal of achieving knowledge in the Natural Healing industry. Over the years, she has acquired degrees and certifications in Naturalpathic Medicine, Iridology and Biofeedback. She is now working as an intuitive natural healer and uses the modalities of frequency, nutrition, essential oils, herbology and other natural remedies, to assist others with their quest for a healing paradigm. She has spoken highly of The Lemurian Plug on her Radio broadcast "The Quantum Shift Show" on KCOR Digital Radio and had us linked from her EBH "Empowering Better Humans" website. 

Photo of creams and oil
Photo of Dr. Russ Newman

The Lemurian Plug is highly recommended by

Dr. Russ Newman, CL, PMD, DCT (P), PSc.D Certified Lymphologist Doctor of Preventative Medicine Doctor of Clinical Therapy Doctor of Pastoral Science & Medicine Matrix Energetics Specialist, Reconnection Practitioner, Pranic Healer Natural Healing Solutions, LLC  Arkansas


Purple text logo for Healing Tree Harmonics
Photo of Braden Karrington the founder of Healing Tree Harmonics

 Braden Karringten ~ Distributes The Lemurian Plug in Canada. It is my intention for you to enjoy the vibration of good health with foods for Healthgevity/ Longevity.

Founder Healing Tree Harmonics, Vernon BC Canada

a hand with a hovering computer chip graphic

Ron The Inventor, Heyer Horizons Global Inc., a Research and Development group from East Stroudsburg PA. 

Because he is an inventor one of the satisfied Lemurian Plug users sent him The Lemurian Plug.

He Uses it! He loves it! "I only endorses products that work"

The Lemurian Plug has a link on his homepage! Thanks Ron!

A photo of Tom T Moore the author of The Gentle Way and Atlantis and Lemuria

Tom T. Moore, Author of The Gentle Way Books and Atlantis and Lemuria linked The Lemurian Plug in his October 6 2018 Newsletter.   A subscriber writes: Tom, can you ask Theo if it would be a good idea to purchase one of these Lemurian Plugs for a person's home? It helps to block EMFs and also raises the vibrations of everyone who lives in that home: (He linked to our website)
Theo, does the “Lemurian Plug” actually block EMFs and raise everyone’s vibrational level in the house? And where did it originate? 
Yes, we can say that it does have positive effects on blocking EMFs. Each person, though, must decide whether to purchase one or not. Someone was “inspired” to create this device.

Image for Mother naturs Sun.avif

Wendy Morrison is the creator of Mother Nature's Sun.  She is a Space Harmonics Practitioner, Sacred Sound Therapist and Certified Crystal Healing and Daoist Stone Medicine Practitioner.  Wendy has created and nurtured 3 spiritual centers and continues to create sacred space wherever she lands. 
With over 25 years of experience, Wendy has studied the physical, mental and the spiritual realms to heal the mind, body and spirit.

This is what she has experienced with The Lemurian plug.

"I have been utilizing your plug for 2 years now for negating Hartmann & Curry lines and WIFI interference. The results are remarkable when the plug is installed. When I first used the plug in my home, the energy boost was incredible but was even more surprised when it negated all the negative Hartmann and Curry lines. Every single home I have cleared since has a Lemurian plug now and every single time, the lines have been transmuted. Every home should have one!"

Click on the image for a direct link to her web site!

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