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The Lemurian Plug®


Your experience is important to us if you would like yo share your testimonial with us feel free to send it to us.  
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Greetings from Healing Tree Harmonics here in Vernon B.C., Canada!We have been sharing all the benefits of the Lemurian Plug through supportive energy testing andanalysis. We can truly say that it has been a helpful tool for everyone we have serviced over the past 4years – including family, friends and our clients!


Amazing benefits of the Lemurian Plug include:

• It is a human cell protective energy device. The Lemurian Plug reduces the weakening cellular effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (E-smog broadcast from 5G, Microwave Cell towers, etc)


• By effectively lowering E-smog stress at the cellular level, it supports electrolyte balance and ultimately hydration in the human body.


Helps to offset “dirty electricity” when plugged into the wall outlet at your office or home.


• Raises the energy – or “Life Force” of anything it comes in contact with – such as food, vitamins, herbs and, of course people too!


People are quick to purchase and share this cost-effective tool once they witness the benefits through analysis and testing.We are in gratitude to Jim and Janet for their support in offering this much needed harmonizing tool.Blessings and Light for all that you do!


Kindest Regards,Braden & Lucille

Sujin from South Korea

"This plug is a life saver to me. I suffered from EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) for over 5 years and the symptoms are gone after a day I received the plug. Now I can focus more on recovery without worrying about further damage. This plug is made with Quantum technology, it works remarkably well if the user is open-minded or feels somehow connected to the product. If you don't know about Quantum and are wondering why and how this plug can work without a complicated looking machine inside, you can do some research on Radionics or Nikola Tesla. This product is absolutely legit and a masterpiece. The more you are open to it, the more this plug can bring health to you."

Bonnie from Sun City, AZ

I'm severely chemically sensitive (MCS-Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and can not touch my phone. It's placed on a phone caddy, on a tray, and I use a computer pencil to touch. Tinnitus increases when in room with phone. I get burned if I touch it.
With that said I immediately married phone with The Lemurian Plug. Immediate results about 95% of symptoms gone. After a week it's 98%. Miraculous for someone with MCS so severe that I can only survive with hermit status.
Thank you for carrying on with Jeffrey's gift to our world.

Jan from BC Canada

Despite trying numerous remedies to improve my sleep, I was still suffering with acute insomnia.  I put one Lemurian plug on my end table by my bed and had the best night sleep ever.  I now sleep with it beside my bed every night and my sleep has continued to be so much better.  It was much less expensive than all the other so-called remedies and it actually worked.(NOTE; She also has The Lemurian Plug energies running throughout her home as per instructions)

My new rescue cat was vomiting up her food.  I did everything the vet websites said to do and then I thought, "why not try the Lemurian plug?"

I put it under her blankets on her bed and within a couple of hours, she was up, was more energetic and playful.  Two days later she is the most active and alert I have seen her in the 2 1/2 weeks she has been with us.  She seems happier, more affectionate and content and is eating well.  Using the Lemurian plug was certainly much cheaper than a vet bill!  

I am now telling everyone about the Lemurian plug as it is something every home needs.

Rhonda from South Australia Subject; Dog

 Hello, I want to tell everyone the success story of our gorgeous, elderly Golden Retriever. She hurt her back at least 3 years ago and ended up with very painful arthritis and a distinct bump on her spine. I had her on many different supplements and took her to an animal chiropractor. Nothing seemed to help very much. After about 2 days of her bathing in the plugs energies, she woke up the next morning and, I kid you not, the bump was GONE on her spine and her walking gait was pretty much back to normal. She used to sort of drag her hind leg behind her, and I could see the pain in her eyes. Now this morning something very small caught her eye. This is very unusual because she has cataracts. So I checked in her eyes and I am almost positive the cataracts are dissolving! I asked my husband and he thinks her eyesight is improving also. Just amazing! I am so happy for my big girl. I honestly thought she wasn't long for this world but now, with this new lease on life, she could be with us for a good long time. THANK YOU so much for this plug! I must say we too have benefited in a number of ways with the plugs energies. My knees which used to be painful, stiff and clunky are much better.

Angie from Cavite, Philippines

I just wanted you to know that the Lemurian Plug is amazing. Today my broadband internet was interrupted, and I had to use my phone as a hotspot to continue working on my laptop. Normally I'd start getting a headache within 30 minutes from prolonged cellular use as a wifi hotspot. I've been going on for nearly three hours and it's as if I'm not using my mobile phone at all. No fatigue in my arms, no headache, or tension in my face. Thank you so much for sharing this to the world at an affordable price

​Julia from Alberta Canada

I've been using The Lemurian Plug for 6 months now and its been amazing! Better sleep, long lasting fresh foods, overall great energy in the house. I even ordered one for my mom and its been a game changer for her. She used to be on her phone for 2 minutes and get an instant headache. She couldn't sleep with it beside her and couldn't even have the WIFI router on with discomfort. Now, after having the Plug for only a week she doesn't notice any discomfort around any technology!

Janet C BCS Mexico

I have been using the Lemurian plugs for about 10 months and I am in LOVE with them. I purchased two for my home as it is a larger home and thought it might be best. The things that I have personally noticed with the plugs is 1) I have an old cell phone in my refrigerator, my pantry and on my counter where I keep fresh produce and it does keep my food fresher for longer in all 3 spaces. 2) I also have noticed that I do not have dust flying through the air in my home either. 3) The biggest discovery for me just came days ago when a friend I referred to your product told me she watched a video and mentioned how the world would harmonize more if this product was purchased by more people. In that video the gentleman also discussed the healing aspect of the plug and its energy. I had never used this and to be truthful forgot that it was a possibility. I have been suffering for the last few months with very itchy skin on my legs. I would scratch until I bled. I was in tears knowing I shouldn't be scratching this hard yet couldn't stop. I tried rubbing alcohol, soothing lotions, calimine lotion and natural products and NOTHING was working. Every night as I relaxed before bed my legs would start to itch and I would start to scratch. I wrapped an extention cord, plugged into an outlet around my legs. I have done this for 2 days and the itching as ceased. I am one happy camper and I will continue to promote your product to friends and family. Thank you so much for your service to us. I love you for it.

Health Store in British Columbia, Canada

We have been marketing the Lemurian Plug in our store since November of 2019 and are having great success because we can test clients cell phones at what level the burden of the cell phone is before and after it has been Lemurianized 4 min. We use German technology know as Time Waver and also Rayonex Bio-Feedback technology. Feedback from purchasers who implement the Lemurian Plug according to suggested use are finding the following
Better sleep
Energy improvement
Nutrition improvement
NO FEAR of my cell phone
Pets more active (no e-smog effects-accumulation of electromagnetic fields)
Huge awareness of the affects of e-smog (EMF)

Below are some results in purchasing a Lemurian Plug for family members and friends.
Testimonials: When applying the plug to continued Kidney pain felt the shift and this was verified when I was tested the next day with my appointment by Lucille at Healing Tree.
Testimonials: Live in care giver of 85 year old experienced remarkable change in energy of her client after one week and on subsequent visits to her doctor was amazed that the
doctor reduced clients medications.
Have been currently testing and investigating results of clients who have
been Lemurianizing their Fit Bits.

Wendy from SC

I am a Space Harmonics practitioner and have been utilizing your plug for 2 years now for negating Hartmann & Curry lines and WIFI interference. The results are remarkable when the plug is installed. When I first used the plug in my home, the energy boost was incredible but was even more surprised when it negated all the negative Hartmann and Curry lines. Every single home I have cleared since has a Lemurian plug now and every single time, the lines have been transmuted. Every home should have one!


Jo from New Zealand

Hi I received my order of 6x Lemurian Plugs yesterday. I tested several items in the house before they arrived and then after charging for 4 minutes. The findings were incredible. I used the Bovis Biometer Scale. After only 12 hours of the plug being installed into my home, the wifi router and the Smart meter went to 100 Billion as did everything else!!! When I was standing beside the plug and reading your info, my body started buzzing gently, I knew immediately that this was going to be MAGIC


​Ann from Scituate, MA

 I have bought the Lemurian Plug 2 months ago. For many years I have had a hard time staying asleep. I confirm this is the best product I bought for myself. I sleep every night and stay asleep. I only need 5 to 6 hours of sleep . Wonderful Product.


Cynthia from Vermont

Beside many other benefits The Lemurian Plug has reduced my energy costs. I am a numbers person and have studied my utility bill closely for the past 5-6 months. Even with being home much more due to pandemic restrictions, on average I have had a 25KW reduction in electrical usage. 

Well worth the cost of the unit and I have orders many more as gifts!


 Robert from Brooklyn NY

I bought the plug I say about over a year ago that a good friend of mine has recommended to me. I was having trouble sleeping due to the EMF radiation that was emitting from my WiFi connection. Ever since I plugged it into the wall socket in my bedroom where I have my computer, there has been a great feeling and change. I finally can sleep soundly and wake up feeling really refreshed!!! And now, I do not use the WiFi anymore for fear of the upcoming 5G networks in which the telecom companies are trying to push through. But this plug is a godsend and I encourage those who are sensitive to EMF radiation, get this plug right now!!! Look at it as a very valuable investment to your health! I just ordered another one for my friend who is surrounded by homes with smart meters too. Get it now!


Sue from Portland Oregon

Message: I have had my Lemurian Plug for about 2 weeks. I didn't notice anything for a while, then yesterday I saw that my electric bill has been cut in half. I have noticed that, although I used to wake up with pain in my low back and hips, that doesn't happen anymore. I am sleeping more soundly and having lovely dreams, where I wasn't dreaming much before. I'm happier, as well. Thanks so much!


Scott from California

On "Testing" The Lemurian Plug; I want to save you some disappointment if I can. I believe that if you buy an expensive EM meter to see whether the Lemurian Plug is blocking the emissions from a smart meter or any other device, you will find that it does not do so. I don’t actually know how the Plug does what it does, but I know that it isn’t blocking any EM fields or transmissions. What is does do is somehow change the frequency of EM radiations so that they are not harmful to our bodies.

Prior to getting my Plug, I was using “Tachyon home electrosmog protection” from This is a little disc that is mounted on the circuit breaker panel for the house. I paid 110 euros for it and felt that it was worth the price. Using various dowsing methods ( pendulum, muscle testing, etc) I was able to determine that there was no longer any indication that my computer, wi-fi router, and various appliances were adversely affecting anyone in the house.

I bought the Plug anyway because of it’s healing properties. Before installing the Plug, I enlisted my long suffering wife (she is often the first one that I try new healing methods and technologies on) to first retest all of the usual sources disruptive EM. I muscle tested her next to the wi-fi router, and a couple different computers and found that the tachyon device was still being effective.

I was wondering how I was going to test whether the Plug is making any difference. It occurred to me to try her next to an operating microwave oven. I hadn’t done that before since we absolutely do not microwave our food but we have an old oven that we use to heat up hot packs. So I turned it on as she stood next to it and tested her arm and she had no strength.

Then I added in our new Plug and retested her next to all the sources of noxious EM radiations, including the microwave, and she was quite strong. If the Plug actually blocked EM radiations then the wi-fi, cell phones, and microwave wouldn’t work at all. If it blocked the smart meter, then you would soon have someone from your local power utility knocking on your door.

Anyway, I believe, based on my experience and testing that you can rest easy knowing that a smart meter or any other common source of EM emissions will not harm you as long as the Plug is at work.

​Betsy from Vancouver

It eliminates toxins in the home and neutralizes emfs from wifi, microwaves, tv, appliances, laptops, and cellular devices. My daughter has a pricey emf (electromagnetic frequency) meter, which gave high readings throughout the house prior to buying The Plug, the readings went down to almost nothing after purchasing the plug. Some areas of the house were registering 300 to 400 and went down to .2 and .3 after! This is huge! Does this work? Hell yeah! I also use dowsing to read energy on food, brought home some conventional ginger root, upon dousing the crystal was spinning counterclockwise, after setting my ginger atop my plug charged cell phone for 5 minutes the energy began spinning clockwise. Turned conventional to organic in 5 minutes, why? because the plug neutralizes toxins, period! Hope this is helpful! 

FOLLOW UP: Some have asked "what EMF meter was she using?" Here is the answer I received; The brand is General EMF 139 4DL Triple axis EMF W/DL. This is the package label. 


Reinhard from B.C. Canada

I have been using the Lemurian Plug now for over two years. An old charged iPhone is tucked into my waistband at the back and that takes care of any lower back pains I used to have. What a great relief. A month ago I experienced a tooth sensitivity so I held my cellphone against my cheek for 15 minutes and the sensitivity was gone and hasn’t returned. I faithfully place my morning cup of coffee on an old charged cellphone for ten minutes while I’m on the computer as well as drop a cellphone into a bag of groceries and let it do its thing while I drive home. As you can tell, I have collected half a dozen old cellphones and have them strategically placed around our home and use them for virtually everything which comes into the house. Have told a number of people to check out the website and almost all of them have ordered a plug and no one has any complaints about the Plug because it is working beneficially for them. Thank you for this wonderful technology which is sorely needed at this time

.I just thought of another useful way I use the plug. If you buy a cheap $10 bottle of wine, it will have sulphites and other deleterious things which have been added to the wine. Place the bottle on a cellphone for 15 or so minutes and then taste it. It will improve the taste and it will have rendered the sulphites inert in that bottle of wine. Most wines will have additives which allows them to hurry the process of getting the product out to the retailers. Good for “them” but not so good for “us.” 



Sent to us from the OYMRadio show hosts

Here is some feedback from one of our listeners.  

Graham - just listened to the show and I have had the Lemurian Plug for 3 days now...felt an energy the moment i took it out of the lady felt the energy also when I took it up to show her...the house now feels very calm with a greater sense of well being...electricity and computer frequencies etc, have changed for sure to a benevolent's a Quantum factor..I've used the Genius Insight for a year or so as well...fantastic...


Adrienne from Viginia

 Just wanted to provide some feedback on the Plug. I have one in my home and have experienced all that was promised. What is really amazing is how long food with no preservatives stays fresh. I gave one to a friend for a birthday present because she lives with someone whose energy is relatively dense and of a low vibration and who has a serious health condition. The person does not know that the Plug is even there. She has told me that this person now spends triple the time in the room where she put the Plug than this person did before it was installed. This individual also began to constantly sit in the chair closest to where the Plug is installed. The person rarely sat in that chair before. My friend has experienced a huge change in the energy and dynamics in her home just as I have thanks to the Plug!!


Stacy from Australia

I just got my plug. I have osteoarthritis in my right knee, big toes and right hand. I"m on my feet for 4 to 7 hours 4 days a week.


I thought I'd try and out the plug on my aching joints. The pain in my toes has gone. And the aching, throbbing of my legs has almost gone after only a few minutes! This is magical! Thank you for this amazing technology and for keeping it affordable (I'm in Australia so it was $64) I was a little skeptical but thought it couldn't hurt to try and I'm so glad that I did.


Deb, South Wales AU

I've had my plug for a couple of years now. The energies in my home is awesome- people literally walk in & go wow!! I love your house, it's got such a nice feel to it, all my bills are reduced, my food last soooo much longer, my house is less dusty, spiders, bugs , rodents etc I'm rarely seeing(I'm in Australia) my plants outside are thriving & very happy. When I first heard about the lemurian plug, I knew I had to get one ( there was no ifs, buts or maybes) & I am a very happy customer. Thank you for continuing this work.



Harst from Ontario Canada 

Our testing confirms a change in energy around - I personally felt and feel an emotional uplift - lighter, happier. I have shown it to our alternate health practitioner and her testing also confirmed the positive change and it will be of benefit to everyone (100%).



Jasmine writes 

I have not slept this good in years!!!!!


Ron, Medford OR 

On a scale of 1 to 1000, (1 being lowest) my household energy went from 198 to 1000...(!) a test I brought commercially sprayed strawberries-the most toxic- and some canned food inside. both read toxic (counterclockwise spin) and both were toxin free within 10 minutes. This is the elimination of all toxicity..for (ThankYou Geoffrey)....and the immediate boost in well-being is already worth it, imo. I will say this..gettin well involves the clearing out from your body of i went through some flu-like symptoms for a few days..and now i find my energy is really sailing.. .personally i don't care as much about elec bill savings as much as Being WELL, but, hey , money saving is very welcome,too ! I hope this helps...and would say, Yes Get One... I left one in my parent's home and my sister's dad's an engineer and would want to know how it works...(!)... so I just plugged it in a backroom,haha,(what am i gonna say? it's a golden field generator of Lemurian invention? I'm getting reports he's sleeping Much Better these days and his sense of humor has returned(less pain)....(Smile) and I like knowing their commercial food is being cleared for them. Peace Out!..


Denise, Spanish Fork Utah 

I have had one plug in my home and can feel the soothing effect. Please send 5 more.


Christine, Rossville GA 

My Electric bill has been $67 instead of $90. Thank you so much!


Eva, Sweden

We have had the plug for a week and feel the difference in the energy. We have less dust, happy plants and the cat loves our cell phones. I have arthritis in my fingers and they are much less stiff. Our water tastes better. Big differences in 2 weeks.


Dr. Simon Atkins,  Uruguay  (took about 10 weeks to get there)

Dear Geoff,


On average, unless we are in a very low toxicity environment, which is certainly a challenge these days for many living in urban areas, we each have a sizable number of free radicals (from the air, food, and our water sources) that are scouring our bodies (and brains), reducing our efficacy to live in a higher conscious field to be able to attain full health, joy and ultimately, inner peace -- the goal and true meaning of life.


Those that have a higher awareness, or as we may say, a higher spiritual consciousness, have far less radicals, and therefore, have a far higher vibration of (superior) health, with less ailments, fewer negative conditions and almost no major dis-ease(s).  In other words, those that are vibrating "higher" in a more positive state or "frame of mind" (i.e., less anger, no fear, etc.) are literally living at a frequency without (or with very few) radicals.   Let's take this much further:  these individuals are "pulsing" at a higher energetic modulation measured at a frequency level, whereby viruses, negative bacteria, toxins and other toxic factors are NOT able to survive (or reproduce) in a higher frequency environment -- such as in the body & mind of an individual that has attained a more elevated spiritual consciousness.


When I plugged-in The (Lemurian) Plug that I ordered from you, it was within just a few hours that I truly noticed a difference.  In the best sense of putting this into words, there was a calming energy that was entering the room, and I could truly feel my body and mind going into a more relaxing state.  Yet I also felt more aware, more loving, more peaceful, more grateful, and more joyous -- as though I just knew "everything was going to be -- or IS -- okay".  


When we go to "sleep" we are merely entering a new dimension or different set of dimensions through inter-dimensional transference.  Sleep is therefore a multi-dimensional experience where we "tap-into" Source, or Oneness, or that-point-in-space-from-which-we-originated.  This "fountain" of recharging energy that we connect with is literally allowing us to enter a higher consciousness field, and is the reason why we can wake-up refreshed ready to start a new day.  The frequency field that The Plug emits can thereby help us to tap-into this higher consciousness to raise our spiritual awareness, thereby ultimately allowing us to manifest more abundance.  The Plug technology is advanced enough that we can actually enhance our own wellness by truly believing (aka having faith) that this process of energy transference is how the true world of how frequencies work in relation to our bodies & minds in bringing us overall wellness.


Of course, The Plug will be wonderful for clients that visit me with their ailments:  it is my hope that for compassion of others, this healing effect can ripple outward when others recommend their positive experiences in vibrational medicine and energy healing -- the true "future" of health in the Now.


Thank you for all that you do:  The Lemurian plug is truly a technology of higher consciousness at a multi-dimensional level to bring about an enhanced state of health at a vibrational level.  And this is one of the "old" secrets of our be-ingness here on Earth at this time.


Warmest regards,

Dr. Simon Atkins

Natural Health Practitioner

Vibrational Medicine / Energy Healing

Christine from France 
First of all we would like to tell you how grateful we are to you for having released the information regarding THE PLUG. 
Even though we are French,  we are assiduous and joyful readers of the H.E.N., owing to internet .

We were completely sure that THE PLUG would offer all the benefits to anybody who would care for his/her well being.Therefore we ordered 3 of them, 2 of them were offered to good friends of us, who understand how beneficial Lemurian cristals can be. We received the plugs about a month ago. 
Immediately, we all set our Plugs, as you suggested to be done for the countries with 220V.   Everybody was astonished by all its benefits. 
Rapidly we have noticed, , an important raise in the vibratory rate of our house (we work with scales and pendulum).

We checked half an hour after installation THE PLUG on one of the outlet of the house,  
the vibratory rate had already raised to : 45.500 Bovie Units (B.U.) 
-- our house was around 35.000 B.U., prior to using The Plug --
The following day our house had raised to : 51.600 B.U.,
7 days later the house was around 80.000 B.U.
Today June 18, 2016  we measured our house at 1.610.000 B.U.  In fact we are not surprised with such a result, which could seem almost unbelievable to anyone not quite used to working with Energy.

The electrical energy going out of all our electrical devices, and Wifi boxes, and computers  and telephones are completely positive.  We had several old cellular telephones (not in use anymore) besides those we currently use at present, therefore we have proceeded as you suggested to do.
Since they are all positive now, we used them on all the food, and any products of hygiene we had in our cupboards, and pantries.
It's really wonderful, and so much more practical, and faster than  what we used to do (with our hands) to change the negative vibrations for some of the goods, creams, shampoos and so on... whose vibratory rates were sometimes not positive even though they were supposed to be organic !!
Now, we can use all this spare time to meditate, or read, or listen to very interesting spiritual matters. Many thanks


Marshall from Wyoming 

A Natural way to optimal health

  • My Experience using the Lemurian Plug

  • Message A LEMURIAN PLUG EXPERIENCE This is strictly my personal observation with using the Lemurian Plug. I do not have any connection to, nor do I receive compensation in any form from the makers of the Lemurian Plug. I live in a 2 bedroom , 2 bath rented Condo of approx. 1050 sq. ft. The complete utility system is only electric powered. There are 3 desktop computers each of which are powered on at least 20 hours of the day per computer, 1 laptop (running 10 -12 hours on AC current) Various battery powered devices which require occasional charging. The apartment also has the usual standard array of electrical appliances. Refrigerator, TV, stereo system, electric range, dishwasher, water heater, HVAC system, washer, dryer and a host of other smaller electrical appliances, all of which I attempt to operate, as much as possible, in an energy conscious manner. The period of the comparison is from the following two monthly utility meter reading periods A. from April 9 - May 10, 2016 (without the Lemurian Plug) B. from May 11 – June 9, 2016 (with Lemurian Plug in use) Las Vegas, NV actual daily outside temperatures during test periods: Period -A 66° - 91° (degrees Fahrenheit) Period -B 91° - 112° (degrees Fahrenheit) Power Company's Monthly Utility Bill Period -A $ 42.52 Period -B $ 41.56 As you can see, in spite of much higher outside temperatures in Period B, resulting in substantially more daily use of the Condo's air conditioning system, instead of the huge 60-70% increase in my utility bill, as I have known in the past years, the monthly energy bill actually decreased by $0.96 cents. Also I wish to point out another observation concerning my cell phone. I am only a moderate user of the cell phone, and had only needed to recharge my phone every fourth day or so. After receiving my Lemurian Plug in the mail, I followed the instructions and placed it on top of my fully charged cell phone for a few minutes to “change the frequency of the cell phone”. That was done once (and only once) on May 08, 2016. Since that day I have not charged my cell phone at all, (not even once) and it still indicates today June 25, 2016 that it has 1/3 charge left. So in summary, I can only relay my own results so far with the Lemurian Plug and would be interested to know what results others may be having with it. In my opinion, it certainly is a device worth purchasing as in my case it is certainly reducing my energy costs. The plug is available here: Marshall 


Bill from Iowa

  • Subject plant growth

  • Message Think this will interest you. I have had a Christmas cactus for three years. NO LEAF GROWTH through the season but flowering at Christmas. I placed my 'plugged' cell phone against the plant pot for a half hour or so 2 weeks ago. Now surprisingly I have new leaves coming out. And outrageously it has a flower bud growing 6 months out of season. Have never seen anything like it. Quite a product you are selling. Thanks Bill


Klementine from Germany 

Dear Sir, thank you for your service. I did apply the plug as requested and can feel the working of the energy in my phone already after one day. I had great trouble through e-smog before, so many thanks from the heart. Klementine


Darlene from Peoria AZ

A Kirlian photo was taken on an untreated cell phone and a second more vibrant Kirlian photo was of a cell phone that was optimized with The Plug. If you understand Kirlian photography, recording photographic images of corona discharges you will understand what a difference The Plug made within the cell phone. The colors are fuzzy and unorganized in the untreated cell phone photo and much more organized in The Plug optimized cell phone photo.


Laura, SF/East Bay, California, USA

(copied and pasted from recent e-mail)


When I ordered the Lemurian Plug, I thought "this is going to be a real test," because we live in Oakland near the Port of Oakland and thus deal with massive diesel soot emissions.  It leaves a sticky grime in our homes and businesses.  Additionally, it arrived during the October 2017 fires in Sonoma, Napa and Marin counties north of us.  The Bay Area was consumed in toxic smoke from these fires.  We were also in grief for our neighbor's loss and on high alert in the event the fires spread to the Oakland Hills....STRESS.


I am a Usui Reiki Master, Bodyworker specializing in PTSD, and holistic practitioner that also works with high grade nutritional supplements.  We are also artists that work with the healing properties of gemstones and crystals.  My housemate worked with gifted children and young adults labeled with developmental disabilities.  She also has this innate understanding of color vibrations and their healing potential.


I was attracted to the Lemurian Plug as many in both holistic and allopathic medical models note that the future of medicine is vibrational medicine.  I was also familiar with the healing properties of crystals and color vibrations.  I went through numerous air purifiers, was spending money on various supplements for our elderly dog in an attempt to address her arthritic pain, fleas, etc. and feeling confused and overwhelmed trying to figure out how address the toxic effects of wifi, smart meters, as well as the exorbitant cost.


We have been using the plug for about a week or two now.


First thing we noticed, as many others have, was the shift of energy in our home.  It is a different vibration from Usui Reiki, yet similar in that it is subtle, gentle, yet profound.  It gifted a sense of upliftment and calm as well as a clearing out of negativity.


We live in an old Victorian that needs renovating.  So we could not close our windows in an attempt to block out the smoke.  Our electrical systems are extremely old and funky.  We had to use a converter to adapt the three prongs to fit into a two print electrical socket.


Our Experience


With regard to the smoke from fires and diesel soot emissions, we noticed the difference in the air quality in our home vs. outdoors, even when we were near the ocean.  Instead of grime, we get a fine dust that settles and does not hang in the air.  Even though there was smoke in the air, it did not smell toxic in our home.


Our dog has dramatically improved.  She can walk (she has to climb up and down 28 stairs) and has more energy and sleeps soundly.  Prior to this we had to assist her getting up the stairs and she was restless and not sleeping well.  I had stopped giving her supplements as a test.  The heat had caused a flare up of fleas.   While we were giving her a garlic brewers yeast supplement and I vacuumed and steamed cleaned and sprayed herbal flea repellent prior, the fleas are gone already, which surprised me.  The dog does not know about the plug, so my scientific aspect of my brain functioning feels assured, the results are not just a placebo "sugar pill" effect.


We both went through typical detox symptoms for us  - clearing out bowels.  I had a few days of skin bumps/rash which is typical for me when I am detoxing.


My housemate noted how beneficial this would be in homes and classrooms for gifted children (all children) who are especially sensitive.


I know from working with nutrition, that you want to keep with a program for four months before deciding whether or not they are working for you.  This is because the cells are constantly dying and being reborn.  So as new healthy cells are born, the body is able to self correct and heal.  While the whole process takes about 7 years, a good portion of that cell duplication has been completed in four months.


My housemate has asthma and did not have an attack during the very poor air quality days.  She also has some arthritis and other issues.  So we are looking forward to monitoring the ongoing benefits of the Lemurian Plug in the coming months, as well as playing with it (hot pad plugged in for back pain, cell phone charging to remove toxic effects of her medications, etc.)


I have already recommended the product to friends that we know would be receptive.  I noticed that this is one of those things that once people intuitively get, like working with the highest grade nutritional supplementation, they start playing and getting creative with the tool.  Our minds are excited and hopefully about the implications and possibilities....healing our planet - air, water, etc.  imagine having this kind of technology globally - like directly worked into our electrical and cellular grids!  Having it in schools, or our federal and state buildings - especially during congressional sessions - HA!


The shift in frequency does seem to make it so much easier to tap into "source" and manifest - via synchronicity.  We become aware of a need, and through non linear means, situations sync to allow it to manifest.  The foggy brain and anxiety clears, making is easier to get centered and have clarity and focus on positive change, rather than feeling overwhelmed - especially in these  intense times.  When issues do come up, meeting and releasing emotions, gaining insight, etc it is a quicker process.  Earth's vibration is also shifting and I sense I am able to better flow with those changes physically, emotionally, psychologically, soulfully and spiritually.


Finally, if you find, like me, that you want to share the gift with others - great Holiday gift - yet feel hesitant to attempt to explain to those that are very linear Mind oriented... Explaining Reiki is also challenging.  They simplest way I explain energy work is that it is like a radio.  You are tuning into a station or frequency.  With Reiki, you are syncing with a higher vibration.  Most  people understand the effects of sound and music - sound vibration and frequency - and the way different music and sound can produce different feelings and states of being.  A loud siren vs. the sound of a stream, or happy high energy music vs. a sad love song. Also remind them computers work with crystals...transmitters...


Thanks for your passion and following through with your pursuit of this technology.  Looking forward to future possibilities for this and other constructive technologies.  In the meantime, we have posted a link on our Facebook page, are referring friends to your website and will be purchasing more Lemurian Plugs for family and friends this coming year.  And thanks for selling this technology at such an affordable price! ​​​


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