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We tested our plug and did not detect the frequency. Please explain?A: The Lemurian Frequency We call it a frequency because Geoffrey Radford called it a frequency. Whether it is a frequency by modern electronics definition, we can't say. It may be a frequency, an energy, a field or something else we really don't know yet or have a name for. So for now, we choose to call it, "The Frequency". It, The Frequency, is our product. We install it on The Plugs by proprietary method prior to shipment. When you purchase The Lemurian Plug, You are purchasing The Frequency and The Plug which is The Frequency's carrier. After you optimize your cell phone, it then becomes your portable carrier of The Frequency. Then you place The Plug "in close proximity" to a live electrical outlet (In North America, simply plug it in.) so that The Frequency can piggyback onto the wiring and spread itself throughout your home. You then can extend the energized wiring by using extension cords plugged into outlets.
I live in a country with a 220/240 volt electrical system. Can I plug in The Plug with the circuit turned off? Should I use an adapter?A. The Plug is listed by Underwriters Laboratories for a maximum of 125 volts. Higher voltage will cause overheating which will damage The Plug and possibly cause a fire! Having said that, The plug does not operate on electricity. Therefore, it does not need a direct connection to wiring in order to spread throughout your home. It only needs to be in close proximity to the home's live wiring. The wiring must be "live". This is why we recommend attaching The Plug to an outlet with prongs facing away from the wall via the enclosed Velcro. A2. Use of adapters: The Lemurian Plug, Inc. has not tested and can not test all available adapters and therefore, cannot recommend their use and safety. It is the user's responsibility to use The Plug as directed and therefore, the user assumes responsibility for damages resulting from maladies such as fires while using any electrical adapter device with the Lemurian Plug.
Can EMF reduction from The Plug be measured by a meter?Scott from California, best answered this by saying "I want to save you some disappointment if I can. I believe that if you buy an expensive EM meter to see whether the Lemurian Plug is blocking the emissions from a smart meter or any other device, you will find that it does not do so. I don’t actually know how the Plug does what it does, but I know that it isn’t blocking any EM fields or transmissions. What is does do is somehow change the frequency of EM radiations so that they are not harmful to our bodies. Prior to getting my Plug, I was using “Tachyon home electrosmog protection” from This is a little disc that is mounted on the circuit breaker panel for the house. I paid 110 euros for it and felt that it was worth the price. Using various dowsing methods ( pendulum, muscle testing, etc) I was able to determine that there was no longer any indication that my computer, wi-fi router, and various appliances were adversely affecting anyone in the house. I bought the Plug anyway because of it’s healing properties. Before installing the Plug, I enlisted my long suffering wife (she is often the first one that I try new healing methods and technologies on) to first retest all of the usual sources disruptive EM. I muscle tested her next to the wi-fi router, and a couple different computers and found that the tachyon device was still being effective. I was wondering how I was going to test whether the Plug is making any difference. It occurred to me to try her next to an operating microwave oven. I hadn’t done that before since we absolutely do not microwave our food but we have an old oven that we use to heat up hot packs. So I turned it on as she stood next to it and tested her arm and she had no strength. Then I added in our new Plug and retested her next to all the sources of noxious EM radiations, including the microwave, and she was quite strong. If the Plug actually blocked EM radiations then the wi-fi, cell phones, and microwave wouldn’t work at all. If it blocked the smart meter, then you would soon have someone from your local power utility knocking on your door. Anyway, I believe, based on my experience and testing that you can rest easy knowing that a smart meter or any other common source of EM emissions will not harm you as long as the Plug is at work.
I plugged my phone charger into the outlet on the bottom of The Plug and it did not charge my phone. Is my Plug working?Yes. The outlet on the bottom of The Lemurian Plug is intentionally switched off during processing. It is dead. We do not recommend plugging things into The Plug because no power comes through it. Your phone will still need its battery charged by connecting the charger to a live electrical outlet. To optimize the cell phone with The Frequency and make the phone your portable Lemurian Frequency carrier, simply place the phone in contact with The Plug for 4 minutes.
If I use more than one Plug in my house, will that be more beneficial?Sometimes. All homes are different in size and shape. One Plug is great on a one level home with 1,000 square feet or less unless you have Higher EMF exposure. A multi level home could benefit from one Plug per level. A 3,000 square foot home should start with three.
I live close to high tension power transmission lines. Do I need additional plugs?Yes. The number of plugs necessary depends on the amount or volume of EMF exposure. Being close to transmission lines is a clue to add additional plug(s)
A smart meter was just installed for my home, will The Plug protect me from that?The smart meter increases the volume of the EMF's and will require more positive energy to combat it. Please read Q & A above. The same answer would apply
Is an electrical system required to make the Plug work?The Plug is not activated or energized by electricity. The Frequency is attracted to live, flowing, electric current so it needs electricity to piggy-back. If there is no electricity (off grid), it will only work 5 feet around the Plug, just as it is 5 feet around the cell phone.
Can I Pay with PayPalWe have moved to WIX secure payment processing but if you wish to use PayPal for payment, please contact us through email.
How often do you marry or optimize the cell phone to the Plug?The phone will only require reoptimizing if the phone battery goes to zero. Once battery power is restored, 4 minutes of contact with The Plug will reoptimize the phone.
I live in a condo unit with 25 small condos. Will the Plug be drained?No, it cannot drain. It just goes wherever the electricity is on your side of your electric meter. If each condo/apartment has it's own electric meter/billing, the frequency will stay in your condo.
Does The Plug interfere with any other devices?The Lemurian Frequency will enhance anything that is man-made. I have not found anything that it is detrimental to.(Geoffrey Radford)
Would the Plug work just as well on a landline phone as a cell phone?No, it only works with a cellular devices.
Does the Plug neutralize the negative effects of Wi-Fi?Yes it will.
How does the Plug affect the EMF (Electro-Magnetic Fields) emitted from cell phones, computers, microwave ovens, etc.?It converts the negative energies to positive.
Will The Plug reduce my electric bill?You may have noticed that your refrigerator got colder. You should be able to turn it down a little and save some electricity. Those of us who live on the computer 24/7 may be protected. Computers will now not deplete your physical energy the way they did.
Can I move The Plug from one house to another?Wherever you go you can take The Plug. But remember, once the Plug is detached, the frequency will leave the house,
Will The Lemurian Plug keep insects away?Sometimes. Ladybugs, hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and those beneficial are not bothered but insects that are considered pests do not like it and are often driven away
Will the Plug drive away the fleas on my dog?If you let the dog out, he is going to get fleas. Before you bring him in the house keep him in the 5-foot area for about 2 minutes. The fleas will leave and then take him in the house.
I’m wondering if it will work for moles?That's an animal. Animals like the frequency. Dogs and cats love it. There has been some very nice testimonies on the benefits it has had for some house pets and their aging problems.
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